YOU are our most valuable resource


This is, hopefully, your one-stop information site for UK made Wines, Spirits, Beers and Ciders - where, and how, they are made, where you can taste them (BY APPOINTMENT) and where you can buy them - as well as the wines that you drank (and loved) on holiday. We also have several pages dedicated to the Hedonistic idea of travelling the world and enjoying the local wines and Spirits from Arak to Zinfandel.


The idea for this business came from watching too many TV cookery shows where every single bottle mentioned was supplied by a major supermarket chain. Not only does that drive down the price paid to the grower but it means that, sometimes, buyers demand changes to the production techniques (and quality) just to satisfy their buyers/customers - or so I have been told by some growers.



The lover of "intoxicating beverages", our aim is to bring into a single location as much information as we can to enable YOU to find more about the drinks that you like - or have liked on Holiday - where they come from, who makes them - and who sells them. So we include details of:


UK - Vineyards and Orchards and Breweries and Distilleries  - who allow visitors for pre-arranged visits - and have a Tasting and Sales function on-site.


UK - Independent Wine Merchants, Off Licences Wine-Bars and Delicatessens -  throughout the UK and Ireland.


Wine Tasting & Training - National Wine-training providers as well as local, independent tutors, all of whom provide an education into how to taste, and enjoy, wine.


Wine Tours & Agri-Tourism – Wine Tourism does not have to involve planes, boats and trains, it can, and it is fun, but there is just as much to see "just around the corner" in the UK and we hope that you will take advantage of the links on this website to visit any, or all , of the producers either close to where you live or travel at weekends or visit on your UK Holidays

We have included Companies that offer a selection of Wine tours both in the UK and Europe but also the rest of the world.  Some of them are Wine Merchants or Importers who arrange trips to their own suppliers and organise "Wine-Tasting" trips and tours for both groups and individuals. Others are Wine Producers and Vineyard owners who encourage Tourists to be based on site (or adjacent) and either self-cater or share Food and Wine with the owners.  There might be work involved, that is up to how you negotiate and pay, but it will always be fun - and some of the Chateaux are truly magnificent, some are not! Finally we have included specialist Wine-tour operators who have established routines to see several vineyards in a day or two and arrange overnight stays where necessary.  So next time you have a couple of hours spare and want to know more about UK wines and spirits, take alook at these pages and give someone a call - you might become a believer in the fact that there are a lot of UK Wines and Spirits are worth that extra mile to pick it up from where it is made - and there are very few tastings in a Supermarket!



For those of you who want to be able to find or identify that bottle of wine that you enjoyed on holiday, in a restaurant, or whilst with friends - and then be able to buy it online, or at a specialist retailer, we have included a link to an App that "might" help you do that. As we develop the site you will also be able to go to Wine-maps of each wine producing area, by country, to see who does what and where. This will also, hopefully allow you to book a stay, or just a visit to said Vineyard/Producer to sample on site..



We do not track anybody  to or from this website as we do not sell any wines, beers or spirits - we do give you the opportunity to visit those who do as they are far better at it than we are and all of them have a brilliant selection - capable of matching any taste and budget. We never ask YOU, the public, for money - save that for the companies on our site.



                                                      SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL WINE MERCHANT!    But Please - Drink Sensibly, 

                                                   IF YOU CONTINUE TO USE THIS SITE YOU ARE DEEMED TO BE OF A LEGAL AGE TO CONSUME OR BUY ALCOHOL...